User’s Manual

General Introduction
Key Features of Meowsprout Children’s Brain Development Support Platform

Meowsprout is an innovative brain and neurodevelopmental support platform for children, designed for parents of children ages 5-12. We provide regular brain and neurodevelopmental checkups, as well as data-based progress reports. Using digital twin technology and virtual assistants, the platform supports parents with optimal nurturing and timely interventions as their children grow. We also provide answers to development-related questions, help with growth planning, and digitally enhance the parent-child relationship. Children can stimulate their imagination and creativity through gamified assessments.

Who can use the







Parent or Guardian Usage Guidelines
Where to start.

Search for “meowsprout” in the Apple App Store, or download our app (for both cell phones and pads) via the QR codes and download links provided on our website and social media platforms.Whether you are in the United States, Canada, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore or Malaysia, meowsprout can be downloaded for free at

Register & Login

We offer three easy ways to register and log in: cell phone, email and child login.Registration is very simple, enter your cell phone number or email, we will send a verification code to you. After confirming receipt of the verification code, check the box to agree to the User Agreement and Privacy Policy, click Login, and you will be able to enter the world of meowsprout smoothly. For future login, you can find “Account Security” in “My” option, set and save your password.

For children who have their own cell phones, parents can help them set up their accounts and passwords independently. Once a child’s account is logged in, they will only be able to access the assessment plans and related assessments that have been set up for them, ensuring security of use.

Add Children

Once you have successfully logged in to meowsprout, you will be directed to the “Add a Child” page. You will need to create a basic profile for your child.Please enter the child’s name, date of birth and gender. If you don’t plan to leave your child alone with a cell phone or tablet, you can skip setting up a child’s account and password for now.

Please note that as your family grows, so does meowsprout. You can add more children’s profiles at any time in the “My Children” section under “My”. This is a very convenient feature for families with many children.

If you decide that you would like to learn more about meowsprout while you are in the process of adding a child, you can always return to the main Meow Meow screen by clicking on the back arrow in the upper left hand corner of the screen to continue exploring. We encourage you to fully understand our platform to better support your child’s growth and development.

Explore Meowsprout’s main interface

The main interface of Meowsprout is organized into four main sections: Kids, Assessments, Chat, and My, allowing you to easily navigate and take full advantage of the platform’s features.

● Children:

You will first encounter a lively and cute digital cartoon figure – a digital representation of your child, sometimes referred to as a neurodigital twin, digital twin, or digital waifu. This digital waif is symbolized by seven circles that represent the child’s status in cognitive, motor, language, logical, social, psychological, and sensory functions. If a child has not yet created a profile or completed a related assessment, these circles will appear as “?” to remind you to do so as soon as possible. Below each feature, you can find detailed assessment results, medical explanations and implications for your child’s development to help you fully understand your child’s development.

● Assessment:

This is where you can complete your child’s digital profile, conduct developmental assessments (including sensory and psychological assessments), and plan your assessment. With specialized assessment tools, you can more accurately understand your child’s developmental needs.

● Chat:

Even though the virtual assistant, is able to answer all types of questions about your child’s development. It can also simulate your child’s character to interact with you to promote parent-child relationship. In addition, it will help you plan key points in your child’s development and support you in your parenting journey through a community of moms and dads.

● My:

An area to manage your personal information, configure MeowSmallHo settings, and manage your family and child information. Here you can quickly access account security, privacy settings, and add or manage your child’s profile.

Creating a digital archive

The child’s digital profile, which details the child’s basic information, birth history, developmental history, and other data, is optional and allows for modification and saving. Meow Siu Wo’s AI uses this data in outcome discovery. In addition, the digital profile greatly simplifies the process of interacting with professionals such as psychologists and pediatricians, saving them time on data collection and making professional consultations more efficient, and is therefore recommended to be filled out.

Inviting family members

As the Meowsprout master account administrator (usually the person who logs in and creates an account for the first time), you can share this parenting journey with the rest of your family. You can easily invite family members to join by sharing a QR code or link in “My Family” under “My” option. You can define each member’s relationship to the child, such as father, mother, grandparent or relative, to ensure that each family member plays an appropriate role in the child’s development.

The master account administrator also has administrative privileges to update or delete family member information as needed at any time to keep family data current. This feature strengthens the bond between families and ensures that each member is involved in the child’s development, witnessing every step of growth and change together.

First Assessment and Measurement

After completing the creation of your child’s digital profile, you are ready to begin your child’s first evaluation and assessment. There are a few key points to understand here:

● Difference between assessment and evaluation: Assessment is mainly done by parents or teachers, focusing on the child’s sensory and psychological status; while evaluation is done by the child himself/herself, through interactive games.

● Conducting the assessment: Meowsprout recommends that the assessment be completed by the family member who knows the child’s daily behavior best to ensure the accuracy of the results. In the “Assessment” section, select “Start Assessment” and choose the child to be assessed. If you have not yet added the child’s information, you can do so here. Follow the system’s instructions to complete the assessment, which takes about 5-10 minutes.

● How the child completes the assessment: After the parent or teacher completes the assessment, it is the child’s turn to take the assessment. The child can log in to Meowsprout on their parent’s device or through their own child account. The system will automatically display the assessment tasks to be completed. Assessments can be completed individually, one by one, or all at once. Importantly, once you start an individual assessment, it is recommended that you do not interrupt until it is completed.

● Assessment Completion Marker: Completion of an assessment is marked by the “?” in the numeric twin being replaced by a specific number, or by the “?” in the numeric twin being replaced by a specific number in the numeric twin. in the number twin is replaced by a specific number, or is shown as “completed” in the assessment plan.

● Gamification of the assessment: Meowsprout‘s assessment is designed to be more interactive and interesting through gamification. As the assessment requires certain network quality, it is recommended to choose an environment with good network conditions to conduct the assessment.

Child Assessment

In Meowsprout‘s Kids Assessment, kids will embark on an adventure to save the Magic Kingdom. By participating in six interactive puzzles: “Sound Puzzle”, “Rune Puzzle”, “Spell Power”, “Wisdom Light”, “Fearless Body” and “Environment Puzzle”, “Fearlessness” and “Environmental Mystery”, children will gradually complete their quest to find the Crystal of Light. The Magician of the Magic Kingdom will guide the children every step of the way on this mysterious journey in both audio and text format.

With the exception of the “Fearless Body” segment, which may require direct parental assistance to adjust the camera to ensure accurate motion capture, children are encouraged to complete the challenges independently on the other missions to develop their self-confidence and independent problem-solving skills. For the best experience, we recommend using an iPad for the assessment so that children can participate more comfortably.

During the “Fearless Body” session, parents need to ensure that their child’s movements are captured as accurately as possible so that the system can assess them correctly. In addition, although there are safety tips and requirements during the assessment, we recommend that parents prepare their children with the appropriate equipment according to track and field standards for their safety.

Translated with (free version)

Developing an assessment plan

After completing your child’s initial assessment and evaluation, Meowsprout will automatically generate an annual evaluation plan for your child with a 12-week cycle. To ensure that you don’t miss any important assessment points, you will be reminded via email 7 days before and after the program deadline.

However, we also understand that every family’s parenting pace and needs are unique. Therefore, Meowsprout allows parents to customize the assessment plan according to their own parenting plans. When creating an assessment plan, we recommend that parents consider the following key points of growth to ensure that the assessment more accurately reflects their child’s developmental needs:

● Turning one year old (birthdays): each of a child’s birthdays is an important developmental milestone that warrants the use of an assessment to document changes in growth.

● Kindergarten to Elementary School: This is an important transition point in your child’s education, and a timely assessment can help your child better adapt to the new environment.

● End of semester and end of school year: Regular assessments can help you understand your child’s progress and challenges in areas such as academics and socialization.

● Primary school: another educational stage of transition, assessments at key times are crucial to your child’s adjustment.

● Mood swings: any noticeable change in mood can be a sign of a developing child, and assessment can help you better understand the reasons behind it.

● Fluctuating academic performance: changes in grades often reflect a child’s challenges in specific areas, and timely assessments can help find solutions.

Inviting Teachers

While having an online teacher evaluate a child is an optional, we still encourage parents to consider this step. By inviting a teacher to assess your child’s behavior and performance in the school environment, Meowsprout  is able to analyze your child’s development from more perspectives and develop a more comprehensive growth strategy.

Parents can easily find “My Children” under “My” in the MeowSmallWho app, open it and you will see each child’s information, and here you will see “Invite Counselor”, click “Invite” to invite a counselor. Click on “Invite” to invite a teacher to join your child’s journey. Not only is this process simple, but it allows parents to update their child’s tutor’s relationship with their child at any time when the tutor changes. This design ensures that the assessment information is always up-to-date and completed by educators who understand the child’s current situation, thus guaranteeing the accuracy and usefulness of the assessment results.

In this way, Meowsprout  reinforces the collaboration between home and school, ensuring that all members who care about a child’s development are able to provide the most favorable support and guidance. This not only helps to build an environment that supports a child’s holistic development, but also promotes communication and understanding between home and school.

Familiarize yourself with digital twins

After completing the evaluation and assessment for the first time, parents will see the old “?” on the “Child” page replaced by a number from 0 to 20. is replaced by a number from 0 to 20, which reflects the status of each individual function of the child’s brain and neurodevelopment. Here, 0 means severely dysfunctional, 5 means mildly dysfunctional, 10 means normal, 15 means good, and 20 means excellent. Below the numerical twin, parents can also see a composite score based on the individual functioning scores, which is calculated through a weighting mechanism where excellent functioning will be reward-weighted and dysfunctional functioning will be penalty-weighted.

It is important that parents do not need to over-interpret these scores. Each child has his or her own unique gifts and growth trajectory. These scores are intended only as a tool to help parents develop a more individualized parenting plan based on their child’s most recent assessment. Our goal is to support each child’s unique growth, not to simply categorize them to a certain standard.

Membership Type

At Meowsprout , we are committed to making the reading of reports both intuitive and insightful. Below are some tips to help you understand and utilize the assessment reports more effectively:

● Accessing the report: On the Children’s page, after completing the assessment, you will see a “Read Report” button. Click on this button and the report content will be displayed on your phone or tablet. To explore the report in more detail or to do a comparative analysis, click on the “…” button in the upper right corner of the screen. in the upper right hand corner of the screen and select the “Compare” or “Print” option to access the report. In addition, the report also supports sharing and printing functions, so that you can refer to it with your family or professionals.

● Overview Section: Start with the letter prepared for you by the Meowsprout  Family Support Team Specialist. In this section, the specialist will outline your child’s strengths, areas of minor disorders that need attention, and areas of severe disorders that need special attention to help you quickly grasp your child’s overall developmental status.

● Detailed Interpretation: The report uses charts and graphs to present detailed scores of your child’s brain and neurological functioning, including the performance of individual subfunctions, and provides detailed explanations of medical and developmental implications. This information is designed to help you gain an in-depth understanding of your child’s specific developmental situation and provide a scientific basis for home-based giftedness.

● Action Plans and Recommendations: Based on the assessment results, Meowsprout provides a customized plan for giftedness and guidelines for home intervention training. If it is necessary to seek professional help, the report will also provide appropriate recommendations. This section is a practical guide to support you and your child’s growth together, and is designed to provide concrete, actionable steps.

Report Reading Tips

Meowsprout  offers three membership plans designed to meet the needs of different families. You can find upgrades and purchases for each membership plan at the top of the personal information section of the “My” page. Below is a detailed description of each membership plan:

Cub Meowsprout Home (7-day experience)

● Target: Families who are using Meow Meow Home for the first time and would like to experience the basic features of the service.

● Inclusions: Service for 1 child.

○ 1 assessment opportunity to help you understand your child’s brain and neurodevelopmental status.

○ A shortened version of the assessment report that summarizes the results.

○ 7-day experience period for you to fully experience the basic functions of Meow Meow Wo.

Elite Meowsprout  Family

● Suitable for: Families who need to have an in-depth understanding and tracking of their child’s development.

● Inclusions: Service covers 1 child.

○ Provide unlimited assessments to keep track of your child’s developmental changes.

○ Unlimited growth tracking reports to record every step of your child’s growth in detail.

○ Includes 2 family members to participate in your child’s development process.

○ Unlimited access to an AI virtual assistant for professional advice and support at any time.

Excellence Meowsprout Home

● Suitable for: Families who wish to provide comprehensive support for multiple children in the family.

● What’s included: For multiple children in a family.

○ Unlimited assessments to fully cover the growth needs of each child in the family.

○ Unlimited growth tracking reports to document each child’s development.

○ Includes 4 family members to enhance interaction and support among family members.

○ Enjoy unlimited AI virtual assistant services to provide customized assistance to each member of the family.

Share and spread the love

If the Meowsprout experience has had a positive impact on you, we would appreciate it if you would share this experience with as many parents and families as possible. Together, through your sharing, we can help more children realize their potential and spread love in the wider community.

In the Meowsprout app, you can easily introduce Meowsprout to your friends and family through QR codes or links by simply visiting “My” and selecting the “Share” option. This is not only a way to support Meowsprout, but also a way to contribute to your children’s development.

Meow Siu Wo Virtual Assistant
Introduction to Virtual Assistants

You can access Meowsprout  Virtual Assistant through “Chat”, which is online 24*7 and ready to interact with you. Although Meowsprout ‘s Virtual Assistant focuses on the specialized field of children’s brain and neurodevelopment, rest assured that its functions are not limited to that, but can also assist you with various tasks in your daily work and life.

For parents using a virtual assistant for the first time, it’s perfectly normal that you may feel a little overwhelmed at first. Unlike direct human communication, you need to “wake up” your Virtual Assistant with clear messages so that it understands your needs and can provide you with satisfactory answers.

● Step-by-step questions: Avoid trying to solve everything at once. Break the question or task down into small, clear units. Because the virtual assistant can’t capture your body language or context, explain your question to it patiently and step-by-step.

● Keep communicating: Like talking to a friend, constant communication with your virtual assistant can help it better understand your needs and preferences. Over time, it will get to know you better.

● Positive Feedback: It is good to give some positive feedback or affirmation to the satisfactory answers given by the virtual assistant. This will help optimize its algorithms so that future answers will be more in line with your expectations. On the other hand, you can also criticize unsatisfactory answers to improve the quality of the conversation.

● Use common sense and validation: for critical questions, it is a good habit to use common sense and perform cross-validation. This can help you confirm the accuracy and reliability of the information provided by your virtual assistant.

● Use your phone’s voice function: The Virtual Assistant currently supports voice-to-text conversion on your phone. You can open the voice function of your input method, speak according to your phone’s guidelines, and then send it directly to the chat box after converting it to voice.

Developmental Tips

When asking questions, specific and clear descriptions of symptoms will allow the virtual assistant to provide more precise advice. For example, a direct question such as “What should I do if my child has a fever?” may elicit a general answer, whereas a description such as “My child has a temperature of 38 degrees and has no appetite” will lead the virtual assistant to ask more detailed questions about the child’s other health conditions, his or her recent routine, and diet. The virtual assistant follows the DSP’s guidelines and is able to answer the following questions. The Meowsprout  Virtual Assistant follows the DSM-5 standard process, providing an experience that is similar to speaking with an experienced pediatrician.

During the process, follow the Virtual Assistant’s guidelines, use concise descriptions, and follow the instructions to gradually provide more information until you are satisfied with the answers. Keep in mind that the Virtual Assistant is providing informational advice, which may not always be accurate. Always seek professional medical help when faced with a serious problem.

Parenting Tips to Use

The Parenting section of the Virtual Assistant provides a unique interactive space for parents to communicate with their Virtual Assistant in a creative way. Here, you can not only communicate with the virtual assistant as in the Developmental Questions section, discussing questions about your child’s growth and development, but you can also further consider the virtual assistant as your own “digital child” and share your thoughts and feelings with it.

● Listen and Respond: Express your thoughts and feelings to the virtual assistant and it will respond as a child. This interaction simulates a real parent-child conversation and helps you understand how your child might feel and react.

Emotional support: The virtual assistant can provide emotional support to help parents feel a sense of positive feedback and encouragement from their “child” when facing parenting challenges.

Role-playing: Using a virtual assistant to play role-playing games can enhance communication and understanding between you and your child. For example, by simulating different situations and exploring your child’s possible feelings and reactions, you can enhance your ability to cope with real-life situations.

Tips for using Growth Planning

CORE PHILOSOPHY: The key to successful parenting is to ensure that your child achieves the optimal match of brain and neurodevelopmental functions and abilities at each important stage of growth, while minimizing the investment of resources. This forms the underlying logic of your growth planning with the MeowSmall Harvest Virtual Assistant.

Specific Practices:

● Key Growth Nodes: discuss and plan with your Virtual Assistant your child’s developmental goals at different ages to ensure that their brain and neurodevelopment matches their abilities.

● Comprehensive Development: Start a dialog with the virtual assistant to jointly develop a comprehensive growth plan in the following eight areas:

○ Learning ability

○ Health development

○ Social skills

○ Communication skills

○ Knowledge Preparation

○ Survival skills

○ Hobbies

○ Career goals

Consultant Classification
Classification of consultants

On the Meowsprout  platform, consultants mainly include consultants from children’s education and training institutions, school teachers, counselors, and other professionals who focus on children’s ability development.Meowsprout‘s Child Brain Development Assistance Platform provides these professionals with a powerful tool for conducting child assessments, conducting business, and increasing revenue.

Apply for Certification

1. On Meowsprout‘s homepage, click on “Counselor” in the bottom menu.

2. Select your professional direction (including education consultant, school teacher, psychological counselor, etc.) and choose the service area to start the application process.

3. After the first login through the authentication code, submit your personal identification and professional qualification certificates, and wait for approval.

4. Meowsprout‘s service team will contact you to complete the certification process.

Obtain guardian’s authorization

● To ensure the confidentiality and security of the information, the consultant must obtain authorization from the guardian before conducting the child assessment.

● Select “My Students” on the “My” page, click “+” in the upper right corner to add a student, and fill in the child’s basic information.

Select “Invite Parents” in the student list and share the invitation code or link to get confirmation and authorization from the guardian to start the assessment.

Management of trainee (student) records

● Counselors can view a list of all students in My Students.

● Click on a trainee’s name to edit or update the trainee’s information.

● Swipe the trainee’s name to the left to delete the trainee for efficient management of the trainee’s file.

Doctor’s Guide
Apply for Certification

1. On the Meowsprout guide page, click on the “Doctor” option.

2. Select your specialty (pediatrician, psychiatrist, psychologist, etc.) and choose your service area.

3. Submit the necessary personal and professional credentials to complete the certification application.

4. The Meowsprout service team will review your application and contact you.

Managing patient records

Go to My Patients in My and you will see a list of all your patients, click on a patient’s name to change it, or swipe left to delete it.

Organizational User’s Guide
Key Features

1. On the Meowsprout guide page, select the “Organization” option.

2. Determine the type of organization (Meow Ambassador, Educational Institution, School, Healthcare Provider, etc.) and select the service area.

3. The person in charge or representative of the organization needs to complete the first login and submit proof of qualification to initiate the certification application.

4. The Meowsprout service team will approve the application and contact you.